Ben Yalow presided over the Worldcon that has repeatedly lied and broken the trust of the wider community. Honouring him like this would send a signal that those actions were acceptable, and this post sends a clear message that the author thinks what happened with the 2023 Hugo Awards was not only acceptable, but salutary.

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Based on your recommendation, I'm definitely nominating Ben Yalow now.

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"Ben Yalow was scapegoated by those such as Mary Robinette Koval who allowed a bogus nomination engineered by a totalitarian regime to win and had to make the best of the manure sandwich he was given by the enablers of the fraud." As for what happened, it was no different from any other recent Worldcon where the nomination/selection process had the honesty of Chicago voting rolls. It was just the cool kids got the sharp end this time.

Fixed it for you.

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The Hugo voting process in 2023 was nothing like any other in at least 10 years. The poorly justified disqualifications and the clearly fabricated voting statistics were something new. Nobody forced Yalow to oversee that. Nobody is stopping Yalow from explaining how this mess occurred.

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Question for all the silly trolls showing up here: Have you met Ben Yalow? Perhaps you should take the time to talk with people, who have, before you show your @$$ in public like a hospital patient blithely prancing down the hall with your fundament swinging in the breeze like this?

It cracks me up when you trolls show up to slam Mr. Yalow for the things that can clearly be laid at the feet of that no-talent @$$clown Mary Robinette Kowal(ski?). It always bugged me that her name seemed to be a chopped form of an honorable name, like she, or an ancestor, was foolishly ashamed of their ancestry?

Anyway, back on track. By all means blame the scape goat that she and the other morons running Worldcon and SFWA created to retain their phony baloney jobs.

Ask yourself why you're protecting those losers, who have done nothing to ensure that writers receive the back royalties owed them by publishing houses. Look up Alan Dean Foster and George Lucas's publishing agreement for ghost writing Star Wars for old George, which was later taken over by Disney and still failed to be honored. That was all Kowal and her fellow losers. Feel stunning and brave still, Johnny-boy, Camestro?

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I have never met Ben Yalow (nor have I ever met Mary Robinette Kowal for that matter). Ben Yalow was co-chair of the Chengdu Worldcon. Mary Robinette Kowal was not. Nobody forced Ben Yalow to be co-chair of the Chengdu Worldcon, nobody tricked him into the position (if you have evidence to the contrary, I'd be interested to see it).

The 2023 Worldcon in Chengdu had many issues of which, as co-chair, Ben Yalow holds a degree of responsibility. This included the invitation of Sergey Lukianenko as Guest of Honour, despite Lukianenko's support for war-crimes inflicted on the people of Ukraine. In his role as co-chair Yalow was also the division head (with Shi Chen) of the WSFS division of the Worldcon which oversaw the Hugo Award, Business Meeting and Site Selection functions. While Dave McCarty had the direct responsibility for the 2023 Hugo Awards, it was Yalow's role to supervise McCarty's work. Now sure, a busy and complex con, maybe Yalow didn't notice things were amiss while McCarty and his team set up political dossiers on nominees, disqualified finalists for reasons outside of the rules and likely threw away ballots and fabricated results. (That would make Yalow less than competent but at least not actively engaged in subverting the votes of WSFS members) However, clearly Yalow will have noticed that something was gravely amiss when the Hugo voting statistics were not published. He must have noticed something was amiss when eventually the final voting stats weeks were published (weeks late) without the nomination statistics. He certainly should have noticed that when the nomination statistics were published at the very last point that they were required that they were full of errors and contained inexplicable decisions including the disqualification of valid finalist who stood a high likelihood of winning.

Has, in the past several months since the 2023 Hugo scandal been revealed, Yalow publicly explained his role in these events? Has he made a full apology to WSFS members? This was the shit show Yalow put himself in charge of. How the fraudulent behaviour of the 2023 Worldcon is somehow magically the fault of people who were not officials or volunteers of that convention is a mystery.

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Yeah, yeah, you've found your straw villain and blahblahblab, off you go. Typical attention-seeking tactics from you, dude. We would expect no less.

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Oh, wait. I just checked your profile. You have your "pronouns" listed. 🤣 Post another wall of text, please. I haven't had a good laugh in a while. 👍

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Now that is a wall of text. 👏 I've been known to type up a wall of text in response to some other folks' posts, but usually I have enough sense to delete it and write unemotionally. 😉 You must have been really worked up to type all that and not self-edit. Have you been taking your meds or making your mental health provider's appointments on time? Have you gotten out into the sunshine and talked to non-virtual people recently? Maybe you might want to meet the people actually involved with choosing the where, the what, and the who of Worldcon and gain a new perspective? Maybe ask them to open their bank accounts and show you who benefited? You know the old *cui bono* thing. Anyway, you have a great day. 🙂 [By the way, in case you didn't get it, this is an example of false compassion. Tool. 😉]

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My apologies for writing too many words for you.

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Good come back. You must win a lot of arguments. I really should have listened to Mark Twain before engaging you.

“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.” ― Mark Twain

In any case, I'm still laughing at your personal "pronouns." 🤣 That one's classic.

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I'm glad I added a modicum of joy to your life and apologies for using several pronouns in this sentence.

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Oh, no. I've already forgotten what you've written above. It's entirely prattle. I was referring to your home page, where you listed your "personal pronouns" for the all the world to see, much like the hospital patient, whose fundament is sticking out for all the world to see and laugh at. You really shouldn't do that, unless you don't wish to be taken seriously. Now, considering that you're railing against someone you don't know and you brag bout your ignorance in the matter, you must not wish to be taken seriously. 🤷‍♂️ So do continue on with your blatherings. You give myself, and the rest reading, a good laugh. 🫡

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I suppose that by so damaging the reputation of Worldcons he has enhanced the position of WFC by default, but no.

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" Ben was the co-chair of the 2023 WorldCon" - gosh, that sounds interesting. I wonder how that all went?

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